
Global perspectives

June 2024

What does professional learning look like around the world? This issue explores what educators can learn from each other across geographic borders.

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The Learning Professional

Published Date

In This Issue


Today’s challenges require global collaboration and innovation

Educators can learn a lot from each other across geographical boundaries and cultures.

Learning from education systems around the world: Q&A with Anthony Mackay

Transforming education systems to meet today’s challenges means recognizing that we are all “in the learning business together, as humans.”

Australian studies link teacher well-being to student outcomes 

Strategies for building positive school and classroom climates can benefit both teachers and students.

Master Fellows Program spreads learning across Ghana 

Teacher leaders facilitate peer learning through a master fellows program, bringing continuous improvement to schools in Ghana.

Video coaching advances teacher practice in Palau 

Video helps educators connect in culturally responsive ways across geographic distances.

Lessons in navigating conflict from Northern Ireland 

Building trust is a key ingredient in managing conflict in schools and beyond, as participants in an international seminar learned.

Inside Learning Forward’s global community 

Learning Forward Affiliates in British Columbia, Ontario, and India share work highlights and the role of standards-aligned professional learning in their contexts.

Learning Forward’s Global Reach

Infographic highlights the many regions and countries where educators collaborate with Learning Forward.


Resilient educators cultivate positive mindsets 

Learning Forward Book Club authors offer strategies to foster a mindset for thriving in challenging times.

How global perspectives can help educators apply the standards

How this issue’s articles can help you understand and apply Standards for Professional Learning.


Literacy success story highlights the power of professional learning

A principal’s unwavering focus and Learning Forward Academy experience led to 90% reading proficiency in her school.

Missouri students benefit from principals’ leadership development

With targeted leadership support, Missouri principals are staying in their jobs longer and having a positive impact on student achievement.


OECD report underscores global need for teacher learning 

Educational indicators around the world point to common strengths and challenges, including a widespread need for more professional learning.

Data points 

The latest on U.S. teacher prep program enrollment, the drop in male teachers, a rural teacher retention success story, and more.


Jody Spiro and Lucas Held

Communication skills keep teams on track

Communication skills keep teams on track 


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