
The View From The Principal's Office

An observation protocol boosts literacy leadership.

By Sandi Novak
April 2016
Educational leaders understand their role in creating a schoolwide goal of continuous learning for teachers and students. They know the importance of identifying and providing the resources and professional learning necessary to foster improvements with the greatest potential to increase student achievement (DuFour & Mattos, 2013). However, not all principals have a strong knowledge base in all areas of instruction. School leaders often lack the specific teaching experience, knowledge, or expertise needed to be an instructional leader in reading and literacy learning (Hoewing, 2011). Principals and other administrative leaders need professional development, resources, and tools to guide them in building a continuous progress model in literacy learning. “Leadership content knowledge in regard to teaching young children to read must focus both on how students learn

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Sandi Novak and Bonnie Houck

Sandi Novak ( is an education consultant and author. Bonnie D. Houck ( is K-12 reading program coordinator at University of Minnesota and an education consultant.


DuFour, R. & Mattos, M. (2013). How do principals really improve schools? Educational Leadership, 70(7), 34-40.

Hoewing, B.L. (2011). Orientations of literacy leadership among elementary school principals: Demographic and background trends (Doctoral dissertation).

University of Iowa. Houck, B. & Novak, S. (in press). Unleashing literacy: Fostering excellent literacy instruction through classroom visits. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Prothero, A. (2015, January 21). Shaping strong school leaders: For principals, continuous learning critical to career success. Education Week, 34(18), 10-11.

Stein, M. & Nelson, B. (2003). Leadership content knowledge. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 25(4), 423-448.

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