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    Put Collaboration to Work

    April 2013

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    The Learning Professional

    Published Date

    In This Issue


    Deep Impact

    As a result of her experience in the Learning Forward Academy, Karla McAdam changed her approach to the work she does with schools -- and influenced learning for the principals, teachers, and students in her district. (Available to the public.)

    A Powerful Partnership 

    A strong principal, dedicated staff, and external provider use a data-informed instructional improvement process to change the course of Dixon Educational Learning Academy in Detroit, Mich.

    What The Right Data Can Do 

    By using student, educator, and system data that provide critical information to customize planning, every educator is learning -- not just attending the same events as everyone else.

    From The Director

    From The Director


    The Collaborative Compact: Operating principles lay the groundwork for successful group work. By Robert J. Garmston and Diane P. Zimmerman When leaders know how to facilitate with elegance and intervene […]

    New IC Maps

    New IC maps 

    Browse the Bookshelves  Learning Forward’s Bookstore has a new look to make it even easier for shoppers to find the resources they need to strengthen their professional learning library. See […]

    Membership Referral Program

    Membership referral program

    Keep the Cycle of Giving in Motion 

    The Learning Forward Foundation relies on donations from members who share its vision to support educators through grant and scholarship opportunities. (Read about the impact of this support in the […]

    Hirsh to Advise Center on Great Teachers and Leaders  

    Learning Forward Executive Director Stephanie Hirsh has joined the advisory board of the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders. The center supports the efforts of state education leaders to ensure […]

    On Board

    Aspire to be remarkable

    Book Club

    Book Club

    Workbook Examines Collaboration Time

    Workbook examines collaboration time

    Collaborative Culture 

    Ask questions, rather than dispense advice, to transform conversations into teachable moments.


    Team long-term planning guide and plan for team growth.


    Digital learning, Michigan report card, School leader challenges, Teacher leaders, Urban principals, Teacher evaluation Improving feedback

    From The Editor

    By Tracy Crow (Available to the public.)

    Learning To Be A Community 

    The learning communities movement is at a crossroads. Schools and districts need implementation models flexible enough to adapt to local conditions but sufficiently specific that educators aren't reinventing the wheel.

    You've Been Evaluated. Now What? 

    Teacher evaluations have the potential to achieve more, and to do it more quickly, when they are part of a comprehensive professional learning system tied to a school district's and a school's improvement goals for students.

    Create a Learning Team Road Map 

    The team plan is the beginning route that team members agree to follow to reach a shared goal. To develop a good plan, team members must spend time exploring ideas, examining different strategies for reaching the goal, and deliberating on which approaches they will use.

    Strong Teams, Strong Schools

    Schools will improve for the benefit of every student only when every leader and every teacher is a member of one or more strong teams. Effective teamwork creates the environment for meaningful collaboration that enables teachers to better address the complex challenges of their work. (Available to the public.)

    A Tune-up For Stymied Teams 

    Even the most efficient team of teachers can become ineffective. The keys to refocusing a committed team on the instructional goals originally established by the group are through reality, relationships, and reflection.

    All Aboard! 

    Collaborative learning teams are improving teacher practice and student learning results in the Dallas Center-Grimes Community School District near Des Moines, Iowa.

    The Collaborative Compact

    Leaders can accelerate collaboration by creating collaborative compacts -- a set of agreements on how group members work together, think together, work with conflicts, and manage their own behavior. (Available to the public.)

    Up Close 

    We need to talk, Trust, Tweeted by Learning Forward, What's inside

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