Ensuring educator learning leads to better teaching and more student learning is top of mind for professional development leaders from across the U.S. and beyond, according to a recent poll […]
New research supported by The Wallace Foundation shares clear evidence of the influence principals wield on educator effectiveness, and in turn, student achievement levels and graduation rates. It is crucial that principals receive excellent job preparation and have access to high-quality learning throughout their leadership service.
By Elizabeth Foster and Isabel Sawyer Imagine if all educators were supported over their careers by a “nested” professional learning system in which there was a pathway for professional growth […]
By Andrew J. Wayne Ten years ago, I met a researcher who was proud but frustrated. His randomized controlled trial published the year before had found a positive impact on […]
By: Yvonne Godber As a trainer and evaluator working on video-based professional development resources at Teachstone (a company founded by Professors Pianta and Hamre at the University of Virginia), I was so […]