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    Learning communities

    How can PLCs improve their learning power?

    By Shirley Hord | April 7, 2017

    Creating resolutions for your learning community is a great way to get members’ work aligned toward common goals. Read about the resolutions of a 4th- and 5th-Grade PLC from Shirley Hord. Her reflections provide useful insight for educators of all levels.

    Florida district partners with teachers to redesign professional learning

    By Linda Jacobson | March 22, 2017

    Members of the Lake County, Florida, team participating in the Redesign PD Community of Practice are beginning to see evidence that professional learning, designed in partnership with teachers, can lead to improvements in student learning. Read more from Linda Jacobson and Michelle King about their journey to increased student achievement.

    How does a team set a context for learning and continuous improvement?

    By Stephanie Hirsh | March 21, 2017

    Authors Stephanie Hirsh and Tracy Crow use research from the best minds to bring you best practices in their new book: Becoming a Learning Team. Too often, teams are created without specific intention, ensuring their failure. Becoming a Learning Team gives you a 5-step process to structure your efforts, giving you positive, measurable student results. Read an excerpt here.

    Trusting, collegial relationships build strengths in learning systems

    By Destini Martin | March 3, 2017

    Strong student-teacher relationships produce positive outcomes in student achievement. So do relationships among educators. Read more about how four district principals came together to build strong professional bonds with the goal of school improvement.

    Image for aesthetic effect only - Inspire-your-plcs-with-these-tips

    Inspire your PLCs with these tips

    By Heather Lageman | January 9, 2017

    This year’s Learning Forward Team Grant awardee Kathleen O’Flynn and her team share 10 tips you can use to build an inspiring and engaging professional learning community. Read more about their advice to kick-start your 2017.

    Lessons from the Redesign PD Community of Practice

    By Stephanie Hirsh | December 31, 2016

    Learning Forward’s Redesign PD Community of Practice works to ensure all educators experience effect professional learning. Read this assessment of how participating districts worked to solve two problems of practice by Stephanie Hirsh.

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