Teacher agency is fundamental to effective professional learning. Read how Dawn Wilson gained inspiration from a retiring educator’s comments about the ineffectiveness of much professional development.
Executive Director Stephanie Hirsh shares the importance of networking and the ways to make these interactions most effective to you in your role.
Director of Communications Tracy Crow explains how collaboration, communities, networks, and time for learning are only useful when learners employ them with purpose and are most likely to lead to change with sustained support and effort.
Have you ever been in a room full of people and felt completely alone? I’ve actually experienced that feeling during several conferences I’ve attended throughout my career. I remember walking into the receptions, plenary sessions, and even small concurrent sessions without knowing a soul and then exiting without having a conversation with anyone.
Stephanie Hirsh examines how two recent reports from researcher John Hattie relate to the Learning Communities standard, which states that effective professional learning leads to improved student learning when all educators learn collaboratively as they commit to collective responsibility and continuous improvement.
Over the past three years, Learning Forward’s Annual Conferences have provided me with some of the best professional learning experiences in my career. Not only do the conferences bring together leading minds in education, they also open up important dialogue around continuous improvement.