Learning Forward Blog
An open letter to my Academy coach: Reflections on a career of growth and discovery
By Vicky Spear |
Vicky Spear recently shared this letter with Joellen Killion, her former coach from the Learning Forward Academy. Read her inspirational story here. It serves as a testament to the power of professional collaboration.
Make the connection between Learning Forward’s standards and ESSA
By Stephanie Hirsh |
The ESSA definition of professional learning is aligned with Learning Forward’s Standards for Professional Learning. Explore the connections between the two.
Send the message that learning is for leaders, too
By Scott Laurence |
Good professional learning is not only important for teachers, it’s also vital for principals and assistant principals.
74 interview: Harvard’s Fernando Reimers on the crucial need to teach kids to be strong global citizens
By Kate Stringer |
Fernando Reimers, a keynote speaker at our upcoming Annual Conference, shares his perspective on the duty that public schools have, in a politically divided country and world, to instruct students on empathy, collaboration, and being globally minded. At stake, he says, is world peace.
Aspire expands learning options for noninstructional staff
By Linda Jacobson |
Aspire Public Schools creates professional learning to help noninstructional staff learn strategies to support students outside the classroom.
Learning leadership requires a supportive culture—and a focus on students
By Eric Celeste Celeste |
A supportive culture energizes participants in Learning Leaders for Learning Schools, an intensive professional learning cohort for a group of Phoenix-area principals and district office personnel.
Galveston Middle School principals put the cycle of continuous improvement to work
By Debra Owens |
The greatest motivation for principals and teachers is for leaders to embrace and implement an authentic learning system.
Syracuse district focuses on personalized learning and classroom support
By Michelle Bowman |
A new approach to professional learning in New York’s Syracuse City School District aims to ensure teacher practices are helping students meet district performance goals. Read more from authors Michelle Bowman King and Linda Jacobson.
Join the Title II Day of Action
By Stephanie Hirsh |
Speak up for educators tomorrow — Wednesday, June 14 — by writing members of Congress, using social media, and picking up the phone to request full funding for Title IIA.
Agency by Design
By Heather Lageman |
As the school year winds down, the Learning Forward Foundation checks in with two 2016 scholarship winners that have collaborated to structure and support a new teacher induction program that has leadership commitment across the system and is considered empowering and transformational.