Learning Forward Blog
What will be your professional learning legacy?
By Heather Lageman |
As we begin another school year, this is the perfect time to reflect on what brought us to the profession. What drew you to education? What makes you excited to walk into school buildings every fall? Why do you love learning? For me, fall is not about the leaves on the ground and the chill in the air….
Speak up for your right to learn every day
By Stephanie Hirsh |
Dear colleagues: Welcome to the 2017-18 school year — which I hope is not referred to in future years as the year professional development died. I know you have so much on your plate as you look toward this new school year: the students whose futures are in your hands, the family members who entrust…
Report and tool kit build momentum for effective professional learning
By Elizabeth Foster |
Across the country, states and districts are thinking about their Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plans — the funding, the requirements, the changes that are in the plan that will need to be implemented in the coming years. While there is a lot to consider, ESSA can potentially create real opportunity to improve teaching and…
Pittsburgh District aligns learning with student goals
By Linda Jacobson |
The Redesign PD Community of Practice engages teams from 22 of the nation’s leading school districts and charter management organizations in identifying local professional learning challenges and creating scalable solutions. Learning Forward facilitates the community, where teams participate in continuous learning cycles to improve how they manage their professional learning systems. In the midst of major transition,…
Does your professional learning experience have a ‘strong door’?
By Jennifer Abrams |
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBp70_CZZxk[/embedyt] I have a restauranteur friend, Lynn. Although we come from different industries and perspectives, we both believe a restaurant needs to have a “strong door”: the good feeling you get when you walk through the door and immediately feel welcomed. Within the first moments of your arrival, the strong door hostess greets you, positively manages your…
Teacher survey provides a benchmark for schools and systems in the U.S.
By Stephanie Hirsh |
In partnership with Corwin and NEA, we’ve just released results from a survey of teachers responding to questions about the professional learning they experience. In The State of Teacher Professional Learning, we highlight findings and recommendations based on the responses of more than 6,300 teachers. More than 35 states have adopted or adapted the Standards for Professional…
Teachers, here’s how to have hard conversations with your veteran administrator
By Jennifer Abrams |
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqlgy9zAmjI[/embedyt] We want to enthusiastically recognize those of you who have joined us in the field. Welcome! We have some amazing millennial teachers (born between 1980-2000) in our schools. Many of you are replacing our baby boomer teachers, who are quickly approaching retirement. As millennials, you have a valuable perspective to contribute to our…
We all need an upgrade
By Brett Bigham |
Are you running Windows 95? Would you choose Atari Pong over Pokemon Go? I’m guessing none of you said yes to Windows 95 and only one or two of the video game-impaired chose Pong. Why? Because we upgrade. We upgrade everything over and over so that we can perform at peak efficiency. I am the…
Leaning in & lifting up: A look inside the Learning Forward Foundation retreat
By Heather Lageman |
The Learning Forward Foundation is a place of leaning in and lifting up educators in pursuit of their professional learning hopes and dreams. Having just concluded our July Foundation Retreat, we would like to share with you some of the “behind the scenes” conversation, reflection, and planning that goes into the Learning Forward Foundation work….
Guilford County’s new rubric allows ‘everyone to own equity as a priority’
By Linda Jacobson |
With diversity in mind, Guilford County Schools in North Carolina is expanding professional learning options for teachers and ensuring that teachers have opportunities to go deeper in their learning.