Learning Forward Blog
My 2018 resolutions: Listen closely, take a stand, empower others
By Stephanie Hirsh |
It’s a new year, and I am embracing a fresh start. While there are countless things I could put on my resolution list, I will limit it to three and focus on accomplishing these. Be a better listener. I resolve to focus on what others are saying rather than thinking about what I will say…
Title II advocacy update for January, 2018
By Melinda George |
Both Houses of Congress are back in session – and a final decision on $2 billion in Title IIA professional development funding, which both President Trump and the House sought to eliminate, continues to hang in the balance. The current temporary spending resolution, which funds all federal agencies and programs, expires on January 19. Two…
Let’s establish a compelling vision for relicensure
By Stephanie Hirsh |
Last week, EdWeek released a report on the state of teacher relicensure/recertification. I admit I used the word “whine” when describing my 20-year effort to bring attention to this issue and its potential as a policy play in states (see related article ). I hope the recent coverage will lead states, think tanks, professional organizations,…
Call for proposals: Our next Annual Conference
By Learning Forward |
All learners, many perspectives, one community How are you creating and sustaining excellent teaching and learning every day? Share your expertise with educators from around the world. Submit a proposal to present at the Learning Forward’s 2018 Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas, December 1-5, 2018. Our Annual Conference offers education leaders and policy makers the…
By Learning Forward |
Learning Forward acquires National Commission on Teaching & America’s Future.
The state of teacher professional learning: Results from a nationwide survey
By Learning Forward |
In the interest of starting a national conversation about the type and quality of professional learning teachers experience, Corwin, the National Education Association, and Learning Forward invited teachers nationwide to voice their opinions about their professional learning. More than 6,300 teachers from across the United States responded. The survey is based on Learning Forward’s Standards…
Annual Conference: 3,000 educators with 1 shared purpose
By Stephanie Hirsh |
This is the week we head to Orlando, Florida, for our Annual Conference. While we’re together with 3,000 educators, we will also connect with many other groups and networks essential to advancing Learning Forward’s vision.
A new template for identifying goals, planning learning for teachers, and recognizing success
By Michelle Bowman |
To make professional learning more relevant to teachers—and to make sure learning opportunities are driven by data—the Hillsborough County Public Schools in Florida has given all schools a new template for identifying their goals, planning learning for teachers and recognizing when the targets have been reached. Read more to see how the district has put professional learning on everyone’s radar.