Learning Forward Blog
Learning Forward Nebraska plants seeds of learning
By Learning Forward |
By Jill Lachenmayr Spring. A time of transformation and growth. It renews our spirit with the anticipation of spring flowers and new possibilities. It’s a time when many eagerly look forward to planting gardens, knowing that with a little care and attention, the fruits of their labor will emerge. Beautiful, bountiful and satisfying. Learning Forward…
Let’s make the most of teachers’ time together
By Stephanie Hirsh |
Research has shown that effective collaboration results in higher levels of learning and performance by educators and students. Yet we also know that merely setting aside time and room for teams to work together does not guarantee these benefits. So what are the essential elements of effective collaboration? Many of the answers lie in the…
How systems can support high-quality curricula
By Frederick Brown |
In her recent blog post, Learning Forward Executive Director Stephanie Hirsh argued that the impact of high-quality curricula will be fully realized when grade-level, subject-specific professional learning communities place deep study and planning for how to use these instructional materials at the core of their work. But, as Learning Forward’s Standards for Professional Learning make…
Focus professional learning communities on curriculum
By Stephanie Hirsh |
Research has found that high-quality curricula have a significant impact on student achievement (Steiner, 2017; Chingos & Whitehurst, 2012). But a curriculum is not effective on its own. It requires teachers who understand it and use it with intentionality and professional judgment. This means teachers who know the curriculum and their students well. It…
What’s your shot for 2018?
By Heather Lageman |
In his world-changing musical, Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda shared the lyric, “I’m not throwing away my shot!” The lyric occurs at a poignant place during the show garnering an unforgettable rallying cry for the heart, mind and spirit. The sentiment is so powerful, it resides in the minds and hearts of thousands of would-be world changers…
Collaboration is the answer
By Learning Forward |
An excerpt from Becoming a Learning Team by Stephanie Hirsh and Tracy Crow In Learning Forward’s (2011) Standards for Professional Learning, educators learning in community is a key structure for addressing many of the problems common in traditional models of teaching and learning and creating support among teachers. Learning community: Professional learning that increases educator…
Focus professional learning communities on curriculum
By Stephanie Hirsh |
Research has found that high-quality curricula have a significant impact on student achievement (Steiner, 2017; Chingos & Whitehurst, 2012). But a curriculum is not effective on its own. It requires teachers who understand it and use it with intentionality and professional judgment. This means teachers who know the curriculum and their students well. It also…
My most memorable moments from Learning Forward’s 2017 Annual Conference
By Dawn Wilson |
By Dawn Wilson When I attended my first Learning Forward conference in Vancouver several years ago, I made a commitment to attend every year, and have. Although the topics and technologies have changed, the culture of learning has remained constant. During this year’s closing, Stephanie Hirsh shared her favorite conference moments and invited audience members to reflect on theirs. …
5 reasons why every policymaker should fight to save Title IIA
By Stephanie Hirsh |
As most readers know, I live in Texas. My elected representatives are quite conservative on issues related to federal involvement in education. Their point of view is grounded in the U.S. Constitution, which places control over education firmly in the hands of states. It also finds expression in the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA),…