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    Stacey caillier

    Stacey Caillier

    Stacey Caillier (scaillier@hthgse.edu) is Director of the Center for Research on Equity and Innovation and the Deeper Learning Hub, where she supports research and networked improvement work within and beyond the HTH schools. She is passionate about the potential for practice-oriented forms of research-like action research, improvement science, and design-thinking to transform schools by empowering educators and students to disrupt predictable patterns of success and failure and work together toward more equitable and engaging learning environments.

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      The 11 Standards for Professional Learning explicitly address equity, and work together to create the conditions, culture, and content for equity within professional learning. Specifically, the Equity Foundations standard addresses the learning conditions and context, describing the importance of creating conditions where equity considerations permeate professional learning rather than standing […]
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      Tom Gaines leaned over his lunch plate, listening intently to two recent graduates from High Tech High International in San Diego, California, who were now enrolled in college. He wanted to know how their high school had supported them in applying to and enrolling in college. An educator at a […]
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