Rebekah Kmieciak
SEL Coach, Student Leadership and Well-Being
Rebekah Kmieciak is a passionate educator with experience spanning from elementary afterschool programming to high school special education instructor and volleyball coach, to her current position as a district social-emotional learning coach. Now in her 14th year in public education, she uses her experience and expertise to model work that is founded on principles of equitable practices and supportive teaching structures.
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Where do we go from here?
As educators and students dive into the 2021-22 school year, the experience of the past two years along with the ongoing pandemic shape how school and district leaders envision what comes next. Learning Forward kicks off this year’s webinar series with a conversation about how to leverage our best lessons […] -
Coaching with SEL in mind
Social and emotional learning skills such as growth mindset and perseverance have always been important for learning mathematics, but educators are not always explicit about how or intentional about integrating them into math classrooms. In the North East Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas, we are working to change […]