Michael J. Corso
Michael J. Corso is the chief academic officer for the Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations. In his role at Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations, he combines research on student perceptions of schools with educational theory and the living, breathing practice of students, teachers, and administrators. He has been an educator for over 25 years and has taught at every grade level, kindergarten through graduate school. He is deeply committed to the belief that students are the agents of their own learning. He has worked throughout his career to improve teaching and learning through teacher training and education.
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Engaging Student Voice
Students’ aspirations can drive a school toward exciting new goals, but for that to happen educators must take the time to truly listen to their students. When students know they’re being heard, they develop self-worth, engage meaningfully in their own academic success, and become purposeful in their educations. In this […]