Linda Darling-Hammond
Linda Darling-Hammond, the Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emeritus at Stanford University and founding president of the Learning Policy Institute, is a longtime leader in education, an expert on professional learning, and an influential researcher and policy advisor. She has been leading President Joe Biden’s education transition team, giving her a unique perspective on the current moment in education and the future of U.S. policy.
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Stages of Teaching Creating a Comprehensive System for Evaluating and Supporting Effective Teaching By Linda Darling-Hammond, 2012 Criteria and methods for evaluating teachers vary substantially across districts and at key career milestones. A comprehensive system of teacher evaluation should provide support for supervision and professional learning, identify teachers who need additional […] -
We must strip away layers of inequality
Linda Darling-Hammond is a leading voice on the relationship between federal policy and what happens in districts and classrooms. As advisor to newly elected President Barack Obama, both during his campaign and into his administration, she is helping to shape the future of federal policy in education. Darling-Hammond was a […] -
State of the profession
Ensuring student success requires a new kind of teaching, conducted by teachers who understand learning and pedagogy, who can respond to the needs of their students and the demands of their disciplines, and who can develop strong connections between students’ experiences and the goals of the curriculum. By examining information […] -
Standards and accountability movement needs to push, not punish
The education reform movement in the United States has increasingly focused on developing new standards for students. Virtually all states and many districts have begun creating standards for student learning, curriculum frameworks to guide instruction, and assessments to test students’ knowledge. These measures often are accompanied by accountability schemes that […] -
The story of gloria is a future vision of the new teacher
What would learning to teach look like if we built on what we know about what works? Here is one vision of the future: For as long as she could remember, Gloria had wanted to teach. As a little girl, she would sit and read to toddlers, round up her friends […]