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Godfrey Rangasammy

K-12 Science Supervisor

Godfrey Rangasammy currently serves as the K-12 science supervisor for Prince George’s County Public Schools, a large, diverse urban school district in Maryland. Rangasammy has 32 years of experience in P-20 science education. Rangasammy graduated from the College of Education at the University of Maryland with his Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. Rangasammy has taught P-20 Science (Biology, Chemistry and AP Chemistry, College Physical Science) in different parts of the world including Guyana, Caribbean, New York, Georgia, and Maryland. He leads an effort to help K-12 teachers help all students in Prince George’s County Public Schools, especially non-dominant student populations, make sense of their natural and designed world. Rangasammy is applying his graduate program research experiences and skills to implement with fidelity, a K-12 Next Generation Science Standards-aligned curriculum and resources. Concurrently, he is also designing and executing targeted, differentiated professional learning opportunities for his K-12 science teachers so that they can be supported on the pedagogical demands and shifts for the teaching and learning of the Next Generation Science Standards.

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