Elizabeth Myers
Elizabeth Myers has 19 years of experience in the North Carolina public school system. She has served as a middle grades teacher, teacher-leader, and instructional coach. Currently, Elizabeth is a career pathways specialist with the Department of Equity, Excellence, and Leadership; she supports, trains, and coaches teachers on multiple pathways in Pitt County Schools.
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Building community in a divided world
How do you build the collaboration essential for professional learning amid political, social, and other tensions? This webinar will examine strategies for building trust, shared purpose, and community among educators. It will draw on articles from the February 2022 issue of The Learning Professional on the theme of building community […] -
Communities of practice empower teachers to tackle thorny problems
One of the most effective forms of professional learning happens when teachers conduct collaborative inquiry in their own classrooms around difficult and challenging topics — even topics that are potentially divisive. We’ve seen this powerful process at work in our district in Pitt County, North Carolina, where teachers became collaborative […]