Chelyse Stefanik-Miller
Chelyse Stefanik-Miller (chelyse.miller@vbschools.com) is the Professional Learning Specialists for Virginia Beach City Public Schools in Virginia Beach, VA.
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ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Virginia district builds educator SEL through professional learning
What does it look like when students and adults develop and practice their social and emotional skills in a safe and equitable environment? What does it feel like to prioritize the well-being of individuals and the collective community? What might be required to accomplish such a vision? Virginia Beach City […] -
Drawn to learning
We are always inspired by the creative and meaningful ways that Learning Forward members process and apply their learning to make changes in practice that improve students’ lives. Chelyse Stefanik-Miller, who is featured in this issue’s Member Spotlight, uses sketchnotes to synthesize the ideas she gains from professional learning. A professional learning specialist with Virginia […] -
A picture of learning
Current role: Professional learning specialist, Virginia Beach City Public Schools, Virginia Previous roles: Math specialist and math resource teacher; elementary and middle school teacher; K-12 music teacher Learning Forward member since: 2014 Work that caught our eye: A frequent participant in Learning Forward conferences and events, she uses sketchnotes, also […]