The Learning Forward Advocacy Team (A-Team) held its first monthly federal update Zoom call on Tuesday, January 14. The discussion with educators from across the U.S. provided details on the policy landscape related to the Presidential transition, new administration, and the newly seated 119th Congress. Learning Forward and A-Team members discussed federal support for K-12 educators and funding for Title II, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.

The new Congress has yet to reach a final spending deal for fiscal year 2025, and the current continuing resolution passed to extend federal government spending ends in March. Funded at $2.19 billion in FY 2024, Title IIA is the key program of Learning Forward’s advocacy efforts. It was also noted that the Senate committee confirmation hearing for President-elect Trump’s education secretary nominee, Linda McMahon, will likely happen the week of Jan. 27.

Learning Forward’s A-Team is a reprise of the popular policy forum, returning now because of numerous requests from educators who told us they value regular updates on Title IIA as well as other education-related policies and news that affect schools, districts, and states, according to Melinda George, Learning Forward chief policy officer. “It’s clear that people are interested in what’s happening in education policy particularly after this year’s election. Learning Forward is happy to help by offering a reliable place for information and updates.”

Congressional committee leadership as 119th Congress begins

During January’s call, Learning Forward federal policy adviser Jon Bernstein informed A-team members about the new 119th Congress and members who lead authorizing committees that handle education policy and appropriations committees that handle federal spending.

The House Appropriations Committee continues its leadership with Chairman Tom Cole, R-Oklahoma, and Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro, D-Connecticut. Chairman Robert Aderhold, R-Alabama, and Ranking Member DeLauro retained their respective roles in the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education (LHHS) Subcommittee.

The House Committee on Education and Workforce Chairman is now Tim Walberg, R-Michigan, and Ranking Member is Bobby Scott, D-Virginia. Chairman Walberg recently led the committee’s organizing meeting for the 119th Congress (watch here).

The Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman is Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Ranking Member is Patty Murray, D-Washington. Shelley Moore Capito, R-West Virginia, moved to Chair of the Senate Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (LHHS) Subcommittee and Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisconsin, to Ranking Member.

In the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-Louisiana, will lead his first executive session as Committee Chairman on Tuesday, January 21, at 10 a.m. ET (Watch it live here). Committee Ranking Member is Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vermont.

New Title IIA federal guidance released

Title IIA is the sole federal program focused specifically on educator professional learning and growth in the U.S., supporting about 2 million teachers in 2022-23. The U.S. Department of Education last week released non-regulatory guidance for the program, which replaces the Department’s October 2006, non-regulatory guidance. The document is organized into sections that correspond to state and local educational agency subgrants and highlights specific ways in which funds may be used to advance state and local priorities.

Next A-Team discussion is Tuesday, February 11, 5 p.m. ET

The Learning Forward A-Team is easy to join (sign up here). Participating requires no policy expertise or preparation to join the monthly discussion. Next month’s A-Team federal policy update discussion is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11, 5 p.m. ET. Registration details for the call will be sent to all A-Team members.

Learn more about Title IIA’s role in professional learning at