The Learning Forward Board of Trustees announced that Frederick Brown will serve as Learning Forward’s new President & CEO. Brown will succeed Denise Glyn Borders, effective July 1.

“Frederick Brown brings a combination of deep expertise in leadership and professional learning as well as years of hands-on work in districts supporting the work of building high-quality learning in schools,” said Segun Eubanks, Board President for the Learning Forward Board of Trustees. “He has been a passionate and knowledgeable member of Learning Forward’s leadership team for many years, and as the organization transitions into the next chapter of its history, the entire Board and I are confident that Fred will skillfully lead the talented staff in its ongoing mission to set the standard for professional learning and build the capacity of educators to equitably serve all students. We’re thrilled to support him in his vision for the organization.”

Brown, who currently serves as Learning Forward’s Chief Learning Officer/Deputy, said that the opportunity to lead Learning Forward in its work to bring high-quality professional learning to every educator is an honor.

“Learning Forward’s unique and essential focus on creating evidence-based systems of support for all educators has never been more important for our students’ futures,” Brown said. “I am deeply committed to the work and the people of this organization, and I am grateful to the Board of Trustees for this opportunity. Learning Forward’s many strengths position the organization to continue to innovate, inform, and inspire the countless educators who lead learning in schools and systems around the world. From its recently revised Standards for Professional Learning to its practitioner-oriented and research-informed learning experiences, professional services, publications, and products, to our incredible Learning Forward staff, our organization is committed to achieving equitable and excellent outcomes for every educator and student. I also look forward to working alongside Learning Forward’s Affiliate Leaders, Learning Forward Foundation board members, and our dedicated professional services consultants to advance the mission and vision of our organization.”

Frederick Brown (@fbrownLF) named Learning Forward President & CEO Share on X

During his time at Learning Forward, Brown has led the teams that offer Learning Forward’s Annual Conference and Learning Forward Academy, guided Learning Forward through strategic planning processes, led Professional Services in supporting the needs of states and systems, designed and facilitated long-term consulting engagements in school systems, and overseen strategic partnership efforts with key funders including The Wallace Foundation. He is a co-author of The Learning Principal: Becoming a Learning Leader (2020) and Becoming a Learning System (2018), both with Stephanie Hirsh and Kay Psencik. He has served as a trusted and skillful partner with Learning Forward’s affiliates and other allied organizations. He has been instrumental in advancing Learning Forward’s expertise in and demonstrated commitment to equity and leadership.

Brown’s background includes teaching, principalships

Prior to joining Learning Forward in 2010, Brown served as a senior program officer for the New York City-based Wallace Foundation, where he guided the work of several major grantees. Before joining The Wallace Foundation, Brown was director of the Leadership Academy and Urban Network for Chicago (LAUNCH), an organization dedicated to identifying, training, and supporting principals for the Chicago Public Schools. In 2005, LAUNCH was highlighted by the U.S. Department of Education as an Innovative Pathway to the Principalship.

Brown’s expertise springs from his practitioner roots. He has been an elementary school teacher and principal as well as a middle school assistant principal. He also served as a founding member of the Mathematics and Equity Teams for Ohio’s Project Discovery, a statewide initiative to improve mathematics and science instruction.

Denise Glyn Borders applauded the Board’s decision and emphasized Brown’s extensive grounding in systems work and equity as critical for Learning Forward and the field today. “Fred has demonstrated his dedication to working in partnership with system and school leaders to understand their highest priorities and respond with adaptive, high-quality professional learning solutions. Internally, Fred’s commitment to shared leadership and support for all staff members will encourage the organization’s continued growth. I know that Learning Forward will continue to thrive as Fred takes the reins of this influential organization.” Borders will retire from Learning Forward at the end of June.