Learning Forward is pleased to share that we have been awarded a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York to support our Curriculum-Based Professional Learning (CBPL) Network for another academic year as well as providing support for the Learning Forward Annual Conference, The Learning Professional, and a symposium on CBPL (coming soon!). Over the last year the CBPL Network was launched with Metro Nashville Public Schools, the School District of Philadelphia, and Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland. The grant will allow us to deepen our work with these schools and school systems, according to Frederick Brown, Learning Forward President and CEO.

Carnegie Corporation of New York is a philanthropic foundation created by Andrew Carnegie in 1911 to do “real and permanent good in this world.”

Learning Forward’s Curriculum-Based Professional Learning Network is grounded in two premises, according to Learning Forward’s Michelle A. Bowman, senior vice president, Networks & Continuous Improvement. First, curriculum launch or implementation without tightly aligned professional learning can lead to content gaps from one grade to the next, lessons targeted at the wrong level, and ineffective differentiated support for students. Second, to effectively implement a high-quality instructional model with integrity, educators need a supportive, coherent professional learning system that is aligned with Standards for Professional Learning (Learning Forward, 2022).

CBPL Network launched with the three districts selecting and testing change ideas in instructional practices through the process of continual improvement. Teachers are already reporting positive outcomes. One example is teachers’ use of specific mathematics language routines, which they first practiced in their professional learning communities with other teachers.

“Already we have seen changes in teacher practice and in student outcomes in all three districts,” Brown confirmed.