After Congress finally completed work on fiscal year 2024 appropriations in late March, it immediately began work on fiscal year 2025 Appropriations by holding hearings on the President’s budget and developing new funding bills. Learning Forward has also begun ramping up its work in support of Title II-A, which received level funding in the FY 2024 appropriations cycle as well as another request for level funding in the President’s FY 2025 budget. To date, we have met with the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittees and several subcommittee panel members. While we have been informed repeatedly that level funding in a challenging fiscal environment is a “win,” we continue to ask for a 10% increase for Title II-A on the grounds that level funding amounts to a cut given this current higher inflation period. Additionally, we argue that Title II-A merits an increase because it plays a significant role in improving educator practice, stemming educator attrition rates, and attracting new educators to the profession.

Title II-A merits an increase because it plays a significant role in improving educator practice, stemming educator attrition rates, and attracting new educators to the profession. Share on X

With Congress expected to begin marking-up FY 2025 spending bills in the next several weeks, Learning Forward and its Title II-A allies are planning new advocacy efforts to draw attention to the value of Title II-A. Stay tuned for more information on a forthcoming Day of Action and other ways that you can help us inform Congress about how Title II-A has made a difference in your school.