Tools for Schools, October/November 1999, Vol. 3, No. 2
Harness the potential of staff meetings
Almost any teacher or principal would agree that faculty meetings are one of the most dreaded and ineffective parts of the workweek.
Alternatives to staff meetings
Every organization must find ways to share information with large groups of employees. But staff meetings are not the only way to do this. Consider which of these ideas you could try this month in your school. Some ideas are more appropriate for particular types of information.
Jigsaw reading
A jigsaw provides a good way for staff members to learn new content and also provides an opportunity for staff members to teach each other what they have learned.
Mail call
This activity encourages staff members to recognize the knowledge and wisdom of their colleagues.
Examining student work
This activity is for a staff that already works well together and has experienced some peer coaching or team teaching. For this activity to be truly successful, rotate the teachers who provide the student work.