Tools for Schools, February/March 2010, Vol. 13, No. 3

Powerful coaching energizes learning
Marie Parker-McElroy remembers a dismal morning when, as a teacher leader, she headed a K-2nd grade-level team meeting for about 15 of her colleagues.
NSDC tool: Coach needs assessment
Gather information about the coaches\' learning needs. Use or adapt this needs assessment to gather information about coaches\' learning needs.
NSDC tool: Critical events analysis
Reflect on a recent coaching interaction. Use this either as an individual reflection guide or in discussion with other coaches to deeply examine a recent coaching interaction.
NSDC tool: Left-hand column process
A reflection opportunity for individuals or teams. This form offers a reflection opportunity for individuals or teams investigating their coaching practices in order to improve.
NSDC tool: Feedback protocol
Determine coaching strengths and areas for improvement. To gather feedback from teachers as individuals or in teams about your coaching, use the following protocol to gather some information to use as you consider your strengths and areas for improvement as a coach.