Tools for Schools, April/May 1998, Vol. 1, No. 5
Applause! Applause! Recognize actions you want to see more often
By Joan Richardson
"Super Pats\" are the highlight of weekly faculty meetings at Adlai Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois. The \"Super Pats\'\' recognize exemplary actions by any staff member. The principal or another staff member introduces the \"Super Pat\" celebration by telling a story about each recipient, building to a climax when the individual\'s name is announced. Then each recipient receives a plaque to commemorate the \"Super Pat,\'\' so named as a play on the phrase \"pat on the back\'\' and the school\'s nickname, the Patriots.
What's your celebration IQ?
Read each statement below and rate yourself on how frequently you use celebrations to recognize the efforts of staff members for each of the following.
Celebration brainstorming
Participants will hear and discuss the rationale for celebrations and recognition.
Planning celebrations
Participants will hear and discuss the rationale for celebrations and recognition.
Celebration chart
Celebrate what you want to see more of. - Tom Peters
Resources: Learning to celebrate!