The Leading Teacher, May 2012, Vol. 7, No. 6

Build higher levels of job satisfaction: Collegiality, leadership are key factors for teachers
Teacher satisfaction has experienced the largest recorded drop since the annual MetLife Survey of the American Teacher first started tracking teacher satisfaction in 1984. See how teacher leaders have the ability to affect collegial relationships and create the conditions most important for teacher satisfaction through safe, collaborative learning communities.
By Anthony Armstrong
Tool: Build collaboration and collegiality and Bring structure to classroom observation
With each issue of The Leading Teacher, Learning Forward provides free sample tools from our books, newsletters, and magazines. Selections for this issue help with integrating theories, research, and models of human learning into professional learning designs that increase the possibilities for meeting individual needs.
Advancing the standards: Design learning that drives satisfaction
By Jacqueline Kennedy
In planning a new system for professional learning, consider how to embed Daniel Pink's three components of motivation that create internal drive and increase job satisfaction.
In practice: Approach professional learning as a researcher
By Valerie von Frank
Chris Confer, an educational consultant and former mathematics and instructional coach, shares how taking on the stance of a researcher is one of the most effective strategies a coach can use.