
Twitter chat: Coaching for change

Learning Forward will host a Twitter chat with #EduCoach on May 4 at 8 p.m. ET. Join us along with authors from this issue of The Learning Professional and the #EduCoach community to discuss articles from this issue and the latest in coaching. Bring your reflections, recommendations, and questions to share. To participate, follow the […]

Deadline: Early bird registration for 2022 Annual Conference

We are excited to announce registration is now open for Learning Forward's 2022 Annual Conference, happening exclusively in person, Dec. 4-7, 2022, in Nashville, TN! Make your plans to attend the annual conference, recognized for more than 50 years as THE learning conference for educator professional learning. Register early and take advantage of early bird […]

Virtual Advocacy Day

On September 14, Learning Forward will host a Virtual Advocacy Day and all Learning Forward stakeholders are encouraged to attend. Virtual Advocacy Day is divided into two parts. The morning session from 11 am – 12:30 pm will include advocacy strategies and tips that are applicable to any advocacy effort. In the afternoon, Learning Forward […]

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