Educators seeking new information to improve teaching strategies and connections with students know that it can be a challenge to integrate new ideas into existing routines and day-to-day practices. While […]
When implementing a new initiative to help teachers, what really makes a new technology or resource stick? Learning Forward’s recent report, Beyond Barriers: Encouraging Teacher Use of Feedback Resources, looks […]
In its most recent work, the Wallace Foundation has been engaged in two initiatives to strengthen leaders. Its Principal Pipeline Initiative is helping districts get clear about the job leaders are expected to do, the training they need to perform their work, the kind of hiring practices that will get the right person in the appropriate position, and the kind of induction and ongoing support that will help them be effective. A second Wallace initiative seeks to strengthen the practices of district principal supervisors — those key individuals who support building principals in their work.
What’s the biggest change we can make to improve student learning? A new study provides useful insights to illustrate specific practices that answer this question.
Stephanie Hirsh examines how two recent reports from researcher John Hattie relate to the Learning Communities standard, which states that effective professional learning leads to improved student learning when all educators learn collaboratively as they commit to collective responsibility and continuous improvement.