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Is your professional learning high-quality? Standards Assessment Inventory provides insights

By Tom Manning | April 26, 2023

Consider a scenario where you’re a member of a school’s in-house instructional staff and you receive a link to a professional learning survey from someone at the district. For a […]

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One year in: Leading and teaching with the standards

By Frederick Brown | April 23, 2023

Welcome to Standards for Professional Learning Week 2023! I hope you celebrate with us by joining our live daily presentations focused on topics that address pressing issues for educators right […]

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How the Transformation Toolkit can make your conference learning stick

By Jim Curran | October 26, 2021

Transformation is the theme of this year’s Learning Forward Annual Conference, and it’s a fitting one. The last eighteen months have brought about so many changes in schools that flexibility […]

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Share the good news about great schools as the new year begins

By Stephanie Hirsh | September 6, 2018

I have worked for 30 years at Learning Forward and that has required a tremendous amount of travel. On every trip, I ask the people I meet to tell me […]

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What it takes to make a great start

By Stephanie Hirsh | June 8, 2018

By Stephanie Hirsh One of the most frequent questions I have been asked over the years is: What are the essential conditions for launching a new initiative? Often what people […]

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Change management is key to successful implementation

By Nick Morgan | May 24, 2018

When implementing a new initiative to help teachers, what really makes a new technology or resource stick? Learning Forward’s recent report, Beyond Barriers: Encouraging Teacher Use of Feedback Resources, looks […]

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