Ensuring educator learning leads to better teaching and more student learning is top of mind for professional development leaders from across the U.S. and beyond, according to a recent poll […]
Imagine this. You are standing in front of your school board with an incredible professional learning plan that you have designed and begun to implement and now you want to […]
Do you have questions about how the American Rescue Plan affects leaders of learning like yourself? Learning Forward’s Chief Strategy Officer Melinda George and Chief Learning Officer Frederick Brown have […]
In the coming weeks, states and districts across the U.S. will receive a huge infusion of much-needed cash, thanks to the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act. As Learning Forward has […]
To make professional learning more relevant to teachers—and to make sure learning opportunities are driven by data—the Hillsborough County Public Schools in Florida has given all schools a new template for identifying their goals, planning learning for teachers and recognizing when the targets have been reached. Read more to see how the district has put professional learning on everyone’s radar.