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Learning Forward

Learning Forward is the only professional association devoted exclusively to those who work in educator professional development. We help our members plan, implement, and measure high-quality professional learning so they can achieve success with their systems, schools, and students.

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    Dallas, Texas – Dec. 18, 2019 Denise Glyn Borders, president and CEO of Learning Forward, issued the following statement about the 2020 Congressional appropriations bill passed on 12/16/19: “Learning Forward is pleased that, for the first time in a decade, Title II-A will receive a significant increase with this week’s […]
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    By: Sarah Young  A white colleague recently asked me, “Sarah, why do we need culturally responsive coaching? Isn’t it just good coaching to be responsive to everyone?” I had to give some thought to how I framed my response. The crux of the answer is, “No, it’s more complex than […]
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    We’ve added six networking sessions to our conference lineup. Attendees can sign up to meet others in similar roles, share successful strategies, discuss challenges, and consider how to best advance student success in your role. Networking sessions are available for: Superintendents; Principals and assistant principals; District and central office professional […]
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    It is with sadness that we report that our friend and colleague, Shirley Hord, died in October at the age of 90. Hord was known to many as a prolific writer, scholar, and researcher, and she had an immeasurable impact on Learning Forward and the field of professional learning. Hord spent […]
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    Learning Forward hosted a Capitol Hill briefing on advancing equity through professional learning in October. Panelists from across the United States shared their powerful Title II stories and data. Denise Glyn Borders, Learning Forward president/CEO, kicked off the event by framing the equity problem facing states and districts: Teacher shortages […]
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    Teacher-led professional learning as a driver for strategic improvement was the focus of a panel discussion Learning Forward co-hosted in October in Washington, D.C. The Learning Policy Institute, the American Federation of Teachers, and the National Education Association co-sponsored the event, which was inspired by new research described in this […]
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    Learning Forward recently hosted a webinar with Tanji Reed Marshall of the Education Trust about why and how to analyze assignments for rigor and equity. Assignments are important because they shape students’ thinking and skill-building, affect teachers’ instruction, convey teacher expectations of their students, and influence how students interact with […]
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    Each year, the local host committee of the Learning Forward Annual Conference selects a philanthropic project and invites the entire Learning Forward community to contribute. The project benefits a community in need located in the area of the conference’s host city or state. This year, the St. Louis 2019 Host […]
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    School and district-based coaches have multifaceted roles. To ensure their work is strategic and meaningful, rather than surface level, school leaders must decide what specific roles and responsibilities should be the focus of their work. Joellen Killion and Cindy Harrison’s 2017 book, Taking the Lead, describes a range of potential […]
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    Conjure up that feeling of excitement you get when you are going to a reunion of people you really enjoy but rarely get to see. You have a lot in common and find yourself saying, “If I lived closer to these people, or were fortunate enough to work with them […]

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