Kay Psencik
Kay Psencik served students and educators for over 30 years in Texas public schools as a teacher and school administrator. She has supervised, supported, and coached principals for over 40 years. Today, she is a senior consultant with Learning Forward, co-author of Becoming a Learning System and The Learning Principal, and author of Accelerating Student and Staff Learning and The Coach’s Craft. She is a professional certified coach with over 500 hours of coaching experience.
All Articles
The Coach's Craft: Powerful Practices to Support School Leaders
Coaching leaders demands high-level skills that challenge even the most knowledgeable and experienced coaches. Grow in confidence and competence in the coaching role by exploring the foundation of highly effective coaching, attributes of successful coaches, and strategies for coaching. Define effective coaching using an Innovation Configuration map, learn new ways […] -
Becoming A Learning System: Revised Edition
Every student should have the opportunity to attend a great school filled with great teachers. This book explores the idea that, for this to happen, school districts must become learning systems. In a learning system, every educator in the district focuses intently on learning — at whatever level they serve. […] -
Neighbors Make Great Learning Partners
When school district leaders attend instructional sessions about professional learning, they might take away a few ideas and strategies they want to try. But when experts provide those districts with ongoing coaching, the educators are more likely to gain the ability to create strong professional learning systems that benefit all […] -
Link Data to Learning Goals
In 2010, district leaders of Douglas County Public Schools, Douglasville, Ga., launched an ambitious initiative to ensure that teachers set goals that focus on increasing their effectiveness and show student growth. To achieve this goal, the district leadership team focused on common district assessments to establish common learning experiences for […] -
Best practices
Hanging in the entryway of Quaker-town Community Senior High School in Quakertown, Pa., was the school vision: “Enter to Learn; Leave to Serve.” The school vision statement contained the right words, but it didn’t inspire anyone. In many classrooms, teachers lectured from the front of the room, students sat in rows […]