Kathie Laurence
Palo Alto High School
13445 Colony Avenue
San Martin, CA
- Professional learning that improves educator effectiveness is fundamental to student learning.
- All educators have an obligation to improve their practice.
- More students achieve when educators assume collective responsibility for student learning.
- Successful leaders create and sustain a culture of learning.
- Effective school systems commit to continuous improvement for all adults and students.
Strategic Priorities Overview
Learning Forward’s recently revised Standards for Professional Learning define the elements essential to educator learning that leads to improved practice and better results for students. Learning Forward’s strategic plan is designed to advance the standards both nationally and internationally. Working simultaneously to serve the members of the organization and influence the wider education field, Learning Forward will focus on the three priority areas below over the next seven years.
Standards and Impact
Learning Forward establishes standards and examines evidence to strengthen and document the impact of professional learning.
Leadership and Practice
Learning Forward builds the capacity of its members, clients, partners, and staff to establish and sustain effective professional learning.
Advocacy and Policy
Learning Forward advocates policies and practices that strengthen the field of professional learning.