Tools for Schools, December 1997/January 1998, Vol. 1, No. 3
Family matters: Student learning improves when families get involved
By Joan Richardson
When the school improvement team at Curtis Bay Elementary School in Baltimore decided the school needed to focus more attention on family involvement, the first challenge was educating parents and teachers about what that meant.
Parent involvement checklist
Use this checklist to help your school improvement committee or action team identify its current parent involvement practices. Team members should work together to fill out the checklist. Calculate your responses using the scoring guidelines on Page 4. Then initiate a discussion about which practices should be maintained, eliminated, or improved in order to enhance parent involvement in your school.
Planning your family involvement
After your school improvement committee or action team completes the Parent Involvement Checklist, use the forms on this page and Page 6 to guide your family involvement planning.
One-year action plan
Resources: Expand your knowledge of family involvement