Teachers Teaching Teachers, December 2007/January 2008, Vol. 3, No. 4
Lessons from the kitchen table: Visiting with families in their homes
Increasing numbers of schools are educating students from families who are new to the United States. Visiting immigrant families in their homes provides a rich way to learn more about the families and their cultures and to discover ways to connect them to their new schools.
Voice of a teacher leader: Her question blew me away
When a parent of a successful student boils down a year's worth of learning into one test performance, Ferriter wonders where his judgment as the teacher fits in. What do we value in the classroom, from teachers, from students?
By Bill Ferriter
Lessons from a coach: We created our community
Learn from Megan Conklin, a secondary literacy coach, about the value of professional learning communities to support teachers' -- and coaches' -- professional growth.
Focus on NSDC's standards: Variety must lead to equity
Teacher leaders and coaches can help their peers appreciate each student, create safe, learning-focused classroom environments, and hold high expectations for every student.
This month's column focuses on the Equity standard. Killion outlines eight steps school leaders can take to help all teachers develop the expertise required to meet the needs of all students.
By Joellen Killion
Research brief: Learning methods are ranked
The U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences (IES) has published Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning: A Practice Guide. Practice guides typically combine research and professional judgment to give practitioners recommendations for approaching challenges.
This new guide offers seven concrete teaching strategies, derived from research, for increasing student learning and application of knowledge.
By Carla Thomas McClure