What professional learning topics resonated most with you in 2022? If you’re like many readers of The Learning Professional, building collaboration in divisive times and implementing revised Standards for Professional Learning are on your list.

Half of this year’s 10 most-read articles were published in the February issue on the theme of Building Community in a Divided World. The popularity of these articles reflects how acutely learning professionals are feeling society’s political divisions and tensions, and also how committed educators are to bridging those divides.

Revised Standards for Professional Learning, which Learning Forward released in the spring of 2022, were another popular theme. The June issue took a deep dive into the standards, including top-10 articles on what’s new in the revised standards and what the standards mean for educators in specific roles. (To get the most of these standards articles, we recommend you download the pdf versions.)

Other perennially popular topics rose to the top in 2022 as well, including leadership, data, coaching, and equity.

Here are the 10 most-visited articles of 2022:

  1. Asking good questions is a leader’s superpower by Charles Mason
  2. Data shouldn’t be a dirty word by Jim Knight and Michael Faggella-Luby
  3. Should groups set their own norms? Maybe not by Joyce Lin and Ayanna Perry
  4. Why these standards matter for you (yes, you) by Paul Fleming
  5. How to achieve collective efficacy in a time of division by Steven Katz and Jenni Donohoo
  6. Leaders can build community, even in a divided school by Baruti Kafele
  7. Curriculum and instruction take a front seat in professional learning by Jess Barrow and Eric Hirsch
  8. In times of division, strategic communication matters by Ashley Burns and Manny Rivera
  9. New look, new standards by Tracy Crow
  10. Equity is a standard of practice by Baruti Kafele


You might also be interested in articles that were especially popular with email subscribers about why every new teacher should have a mentor, whether alternatively certified new teachers have unique needs, and how to prioritize when everything feels urgent.

For more articles on timely topics in professional learning, subscribe to The Learning Professional and follow us on social media.

.@LearningForward announces the top 10 articles of 2022 from #TheLearningPro! See what was at the top of mind for many educators this year. Share on X