The Leading Teacher, Winter 2013, Vol. 8, No. 2

Students talk back: Opportunities for growth lie in student perceptions
By Valerie von Frank
Some states and districts are finding new ways to ask, what do students know about their teachers? Research shows that students\' perceptions of teachers are highly correlated to student performance on standardized tests. Read several tips that help teachers capture and use student input to improve practice.
Tool: Build student feedback on trust and respect
Consulting students about what they need to learn is a process of building mutual trust and respect. Use this tool to help build trust and respect when planning to engage student feedback.
Advancing the standards: Coaches recognize learning is change
By Jacqueline Kennedy
Applications of change research are at the heart of the Implementation standard. Explore questions that help coaches respond to adult learning needs, identify levers and barriers, and improve results for long-term implementation of professional learning.
In practice: Little by little, classroom doors become revolving doors
As told to Valerie von Frank
When Alexis Liakakos, a coach for Maine Township (Ill.) High School District 207, first started her coaching position four years ago, she and her colleague developed a cohort for teachers to voluntarily meet together. Read how Liakakos worked to integrate multiple district initiatives into a seamless, integrated effort and used the cohort to start working with people, facilitate conversations, and establish a common language.