The Leading Teacher, Spring 2013, Vol. 8 No. 3

Charting new career paths for teacher leaders
By Anthony Armstrong
According to the MetLife survey of the American teacher: Challenges for school leadership, many teachers are interested in teaching in the classroom part-time while devoting other time to active leadership roles or responsibilities in their school or district. For teachers who want to take on leadership roles but don\'t want to move into a principalship, the career options available to them are typically limited to informal duties, such as committees, teams, or building representatives. Read how teachers are making contributions to the field on state, national, and global scales, all while remaining in the classroom.
Tool: Create your own career path
Use this tool to explore possible activities and opportunities that extend your work, projects that you are passionate about, and the structures and supports that would make such opportunities viable.
Advancing the standards: Oh, the places teachers will go
By Jacqueline Kennedy
In the classic children\'s picture book by Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You\'ll Go, readers are taken on a whimsical adventure into an ever-changing world, full of new pathways and discoveries. Read how your own path through professional learning is similar and how the Standards for Professional Learning provide practical guidance for your professional learning journey.
In practice: Coaching across subjects at the secondary level
By Kathy Smith
Kathy Smith, reading specialist and literacy coach at Downer\'s Grove North High School in Downer\'s Grove, Ill., shares how focusing on reading strategies for at-risk high school students grew into a schoolwide adoption of effective collaborative learning practices across all content areas.