The Leading Teacher, October 2011, Vol. 7, No. 2

Learning is the foundation for evaluation
By Valerie von Frank
When Rhode Island needed to revamp its teacher evaluation system, it brought teachers and administrators to the table to create a system based on solid research and teaching and professional learning standards. Read how they collaborated to build an evaluation system that aims to provide reliable information about the effectiveness of educators and contribute positively to their professional growth.
Tool: Developing individual learning goals and Individual learning plan
Use these tools to encourage educators to set and reflect upon professional growth goals that tie to student learning needs.
Advancing the standards: Use collaborative inquiry and multiple data sources to improve practice
By Jacqueline Kennedy
Learn how to create a bridge from data to substantive information that drives professional learning and informs educators' decisions about instruction.
In practice: Work smarter, not harder, by focusing on student work
By Valerie von Frank
Callie Brownlee-Groff, teacher effectiveness coach for Denver Public Schools, uses a focus on student work to build relationships and a team of teacher leaders.
Additional resources (online-only)