Search Result (2487)
Where do you want to get to?
In Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Alice asks the Cheshire Cat, “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on whe..
I Say
On what is the greatest misconception around professional learning, globally and within the U.S.: “I think the greatest misconception around professional learning is that teaching is a mechanisti..
Moving From ‘Students Can’t’ To ‘How Students Can’
What happens when a university-based education policy center uses the Standards for Professional Learning (Learning Forward, 2011) to design purposeful professional learning experiences for teachers, ..
Problem Solvers
Imagine teachers, administrators, and university mathematicians and staff learning together in a lab setting where students are excited about attending a weeklong summer math event because they are at..
Diving Beneath The Surface
In spring 2014, education leaders from across Micronesia came together on the island of Guam to learn about underwater robotics and Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE), a program based at Mont..
A Bold Experiment
The Next Generation Science Standards place an emphasis on the practices of science and engineering, where ensuring that students understand and experience how science works is as important as, or may..
PERFORMANCE FACTORS School Organizational Contexts, Teacher Turnover, and Student Achievement: Evidence From Panel Data American Educational Research Journal, October 2016..
Professional Learning In Canada
Learning Forward recently released findings from a new study that fills a long-standing gap in existing Pan-Canadian research, identifying key components of effective professional learning based on fi..