This month as we spring forward and prepare to announce our next group of awardees, the Foundation is taking a moment to turn back time and reflect and check in with the Kansas affiliate, proud winners of the 2015 Learning Forward Foundation Affiliate Grant. Vicki Bechard, secretary of Learning Forward Kansas and Dayna Richardson, executive director, have been leading this journey for over a year and a half, and the results are inspiring!

“Dream big and find a way to make it happen!” has been the mantra of the Kansas affiliate work. When they applied for the grant, the focus was clear: Learning Forward Kansas sought to create quality professional learning experiences that lead to action and transform practices for every educator. While the focus has not changed, the joy of the journey has been in the detours and back roads.

Year one: The journey begins with the original plan

The original grant application was made to address a need that affiliate leaders saw bubbling up across all of their professional learning experiences. As they shared the Standards For Professional Learning with Kansas educators, they heard over and over, “What does it look like?”

The first step was to identify quality practices for each of the standards and celebrate those districts/teams who were creating quality professional learning. Next, Learning Forward Kansas planned to create videos of those practices to be shared with all Kansas educators.The purpose of the videos being to promote professional learning in action, and the protocols demonstrating engagement and model effective learning designs.In sum, the grant plan was that videos and accompanying protocols for all seven standards would be shared on their website, via their webinars, conferences, and in individual districts, spreading the word of transforming professional learning that improves educator practices and learning for all students.

But the joy is in the journey, and some reflection and re-routing was necessary. The affiliate invited a great deal of input for their professional learning journey. Through conversations within and outside of Learning Forward Kansas; with other groups; educators; leaders; State Department of Education (KSDE); gained input on how to create the videos with the right technology and support.  As a result of these conversations, the focus was narrowed to why professional learning matters; what is effective professional learning; and how the videos that will explore a variety of learning designs. The other Standards for Professional Learning are woven into the videos as well.

Year two: Lights, camera, action!

As the journey continued into year two of the grant, the cameras rolled and presentations of Tips and Tools protocols began. Why Professional Learning Matters was completed in November 2016, and Vicki Bechard chronicles that process of producing the first video in her blog. The affiliate’s mantra of “Dream big and find a way to make it happen!” is evident in this narrative, as the video creation process clearly depicts effective professional learning in action. In working to make the dream a reality, the affiliate has shown the necessity of having educators become integral parts of a collaborative effort.

What is Effective Professional Learning? digs into the components, beliefs, and actions that comprise effective professional learning. Kansas educators share their stories to underscore and illustrate the actions that lead to a quality professional learning experience rich with engagement and meaning. Passion, commitment, inspiration, and the fundamental belief in quality professional learning (and putting those beliefs into actions) make this video a transformational resource.

More videos that will explore a variety of learning designs will be coming soon, starting in June 2017. These videos will highlight different ways to affect educator practice and ultimately student success. One size doesn’t fit all in the classroom or professional learning, so the “how” may change, but the goals still remain the same. This process was modeled in the grant experience, as Vicki Bechard explains, “A single thought seemed to spark other new ideas, and we revised our plan accordingly with new ‘hows’ that still achieved our goals. New questions also arose like, How might we continue this work after the grant runs out? Dream big, and find a way to make it happen!”

Year three: The journey continues

Evolution, change and flexibility are the keys as the affiliate enters year three of the journey. Keep checking back to their website as they continue to create the How videos that will explore a variety of learning designs, promote the video series, and evolve as needed. Dayna Richardson shares that, “the support team from the Learning Forward Foundation has encouraged us and allowed us to evolve and make the product relevant.” Dayna shares and advocates at the state level (Kansas State Department of Education) for effective professional learning as Kansas goes through the new accreditation process, and Learning Forward Kansas credits this Foundation Affiliate Grant with allowing them to have a bigger voice at the table.

Learning Forward Kansas has leveraged the leadership of professional learning at all levels. The videos and accompanying protocols they created have allowed them as an affiliate to increase their relevance and influence throughout the state with educators and leaders. Their recommendation for other affiliates is to use the materials they have created and adapt not adopt. Tips for taking this journey yourself include:

  • Determine your needs and your “why” and work accordingly
  • Using examples from Kansas schools around Kansas issues made our resources relevant for Kansas, so other affiliates might consider doing something that is relevant for their state’s issues and needs.
  • Emphasis on voice and choice and modeling one size doesn’t fit all.
  • We continue to talk about and listen to the questions and conversations occurring throughout our state to revise and focus our message and support for Kansas educators and schools.
  • We want the videos and resources (ex: protocols) to feel “doable” but encourage them to grow and stretch their skills and understanding using language that is professional but not overwhelming.

And always remember to dream big, and find a way to make it happen. After all, the joy is in the journey!

Learning Forward Foundation Scholarships

The Learning Forward Foundation scholarship contest encourages educators to put their good ideas into action and apply their research and creativity to impact education’s most profound challenges. While applications are closed for this year, go to our website to learn more to consider applying for next year, or donate to the Learning Forward Foundation scholarships and grants.